Welcome to Teach Us Things

I’d like to welcome you to my first blog post on Teach Us Things.  This blog was the love child that came of a new job opportunity.  I recently embarked on a new journey after 11 years in my most recent facility with several other new colleagues/acquaintances.  There are 8 of us in total that started and are bound for the emergency department in a 500 bed hospital.  We went through general corporate and nursing orientation together and got to know one another a little bit better.  Realizing that my years of experience was greater than everyone’s total made me the “old one”.  As we progressed through the process together there was an identified knowledge deficit for the new nurses as well as me.  This isn’t a bad thing though, it’s just an opportunity to learn, share knowledge, and make our profession better.

Starting a new job is never easy, new people, new routines, new policies and procedures, and new equipment.  All of these are anxiety producing, especially for inexperienced nurses. Having been in the preceptor role until this new job, I had been accustomed to becoming an educator and mentor of all my current and former orientees, and have taken great pride in their success after “flying solo”.  A preceptors role isn’t over, it transitions to being a mentor.  Being approachable and nonjudgmental are traits desirable to the new and less knowledgeable nurses, as they need to learn, not experience attitude.

So, I’ve started this blog with that philosophy behind it.  I know some things, I like to share my knowledge with people so they can grow.  I also like to learn as well, and welcome every opportunity to do so.  This blog won’t just be nursing topics, it will be about my passions in life and will evolve over time. My passions will become apparent to anyone that is following along, and are also subject to change as I change.  Please let me know if there’s anything you’d like to learn and I will try to facilitate the material.

Again, welcome to Teach Us Things, I look forward to learning with you.

